How to Pick the Best Dog Leash for Pitbull

Leash is one of the most important tools you should have if you plan to own a pit bull. Mostly, the law requires that your pit bull to have a leash when he is outdoors. Different types of collars are available out there. Sometimes, the options can become so overwhelming. In this article, you will know how to pick the dog leash for pitbull.

How to Pick the Dog Leash for Pitbull
1. Standard Dog Leash. How to pick the dog leash for pitbull will be dependent on its use. Among the types of dog leash used for basic training and everyday walking, the most common is the standard dog leash. It is commonly made of leather or Nylon. Both are sturdy enough to restrain your dog. It is also lightweight enough as well for use with a puppy.
2. Retractable Dog Leash. How to pick the dog leash for pitbull should also consider dog’s freedom of movement. This type of leash will allow you to vary its length. It also works much like a measuring tape that can extend from about 4 to 30 feet. You don't need to worry as well because it has a locking mechanism in a plastic handle. This will allow you to lock it at any desired degree of length.
3. Adjustable Dog Leash. Knowing how to pick the dog leash for pitbull should also consider filling the gap between the standard and retractable leash. The adjustable dog leash can make you adjust the length of between 3 feet and 6 feet via the extra clips along the length. Adjustments can also allow you a shorter leash to use for training such as heel works. This is when you want your pit bull to be closer while you give him at the same time the option to gain more freedom.
4. Chain Leash. This type is a suitable replacement for the standard leash. Mostly, it is very useful when he tends to chew and destroy his leash. It is available in various thicknesses and weight depending on your dog’s size. When you use a metal leash, you do not need always to keep an eye on your pit bull because it is indestructible. However, it might later lead to the point of damaging his teeth.
5. Seat Belt Safety Leash. This is a short leash with a clip end attached to your dog's collar, and a seat-belt to clip the other end. This is to help you secure him in the back seat of your car. This leash will prevent him from climbing around so you won’t get distracted while you are driving. 
6. Harness. Some people think that a harness is not a leash, but the truth is it absolutely is. How to pick the dog leash for pitbull also considers controlling your pit bull. It is best for owners who want a firmer amount of control over their pitbulls, especially those having high energy that need guidance. On top of that, the harness is more comfortable compared to other leashes.
In summary, the above shows you different types of dog leash for pitbulls. Knowing how to pick right leash for pitbull have considerations as presented. All of the above leashes are chosen with pitbulls in mind but also applies to most dog breeds.


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